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The Power Within You

I’ve heard it said that some people live ninety years and others live one year ninety times. The difference is that those living their years to the fullest are living their dreams. We are all capable of living our dream lives when we open ourselves up to possibilities and opportunities.

We have been trained to look at conditions to determine what the opportunities and possibilities are for our lives, though these conditions can be limiting when viewed with just the five senses.

When we live outside the standard senses and use intuition, imagination, and perception we are able to more clearly see our heart’s desire and the dreams that will bring us the happiness we yearn.

We all have an inner voice, but it is not one of reason or logic…it is the voice of guidance. This voice may not make sense to anyone else, but it is there to help us recognize and nurture the thoughts that build dreams of our very own.

The underlying principle of dream building is this: The power that is within each of us is greater than anything that is in our surroundings. The power that is within each of us is greater than any circumstance of our life. The power that is within each of us is greater than our history.

There are all sorts of things that we can hold as ideas that will keep us from our dreams or, instead, we can use our thoughts in service of dreams instead of thwarting them.

Changing our thoughts to best build our dreams is a two-step process.

First, we must release condition-based thinking. If we focus our thoughts on what we don’t want to happen, we bring about those circumstances. For example, if you want to lose weight and concentrate on not eating pizza, then you crave pizza and ultimately give in to it.

A woman standing in front of the universe with her arms outstretched.

The second part of the process is to focus on what you do want to create, regardless of our conditions. Using the weight loss example, if you think about the delicious salad you are going to have for dinner then you look forward to that salad and do not think about the pizza that would thwart your efforts. This is true even if you work in a pizza parlor!

Each of us is the author of our own thoughts. The past or present does not need to dictate the future. Allow yourself to explore the possibilities of your dreams and fill your mind with what you would like to be and do and create and give.

Use your inner power to write the future in a way that supports your dreams.

Is Your Dream Right for You?

It is important that the dream or goal we put our energy into is one that is in alignment with our purpose and core values.
Geoffrey Avert said that,
“The most important thing about having a goal is having one.”
The same goes for your dream. You must first establish your dream, and establish that this dream is a good fit for you before it can be manifested into a reality.

Here are five questions that will help you determine whether or not your dream is right for you…

  1. Do you feel passion for your dream? When you’ve chosen the right dream you will feel emotionally connected to your dream. Thinking about your dream will give you an expanded sense of aliveness.
  2. Does the dream align with your core values? Your dream must align with your core values in order for it to manifest. If your dream is in conflict with your values, it is not worthy of you.
  3. Does your dream cause you to grow?
  4. Do you need help from a Higher Power? If you know all the steps to bring your dream to fruition, it’s not a big enough dream. Dreams are the Universe’s way of helping us grow and expand ourselves.
  5. Is there good in your dream for others? The Universe is always seeking expansion, and a dream that is aligned with your true self will always include some good for others.

Your mind may play host to a myriad of wishes, but you need to distinguish your deepest desire from whims and passing fancies.

You are endowed with the power to choose that dream closest to your heart, and by co-creating with the Infinite, you can embark on a path that will manifest that dream..

Two hands giving thumbs up with a question mark in the background.

Increasing Your Sense of Deserving

In order to manifest our dreams, we need to align our self-image with the life we would love living.

If your sense of deserving isn’t wide and deep enough to hold your dream, you will fall short.

How do you know if you deserve your dream? If you are breathing, you deserve to have your heart’s desire. Simply by virtue of you being alive you are worthy and deserving of your dream.

You wouldn’t feel the longing if you didn’t have the capacity to manifest your dream.

Here are three keys to increasing your sense of deserving:

A green thermometer with the word " serving " written on it.

1. Focus on the good.

Circumstances are bad only if you perceive them as such. Instead of panicking when life appears to throw you a curve, wait and invite God to reveal the good. Then give yourself the same benefit of the doubt. You are naturally good because God created you.

2. Let go of past mistakes.

It’s hard to move confidently into the life you have imagined if you are lugging deadweight. When you persist in carrying the baggage of your childhood, your shame or your belief that you are unlovable, you have no room for greater possibility. Let go of encumbrances by identifying and releasing your own Harry.

3. Practice gratitude to increase your sense of deserving.

An “attitude of gratitude” enables you to construct your dream on a solid foundation of deserving. Begin by spending a day giving thanks to those you’ve criticized. From there, build a pattern of daily gratitude. When we begin to appreciate those we once condemned or took for granted, the field around the object of our appreciation broadens, attracting to itself even greater good.

When you practice these three principles, you will feel your sense of deserving expand and you’ll begin to see unexpected good things flow into your life.

You are worthy!

Moving from Impossible to Possible

I came across this powerful true story and wanted to share it with you… George Danzig was a grad student in mathematics at a time when jobs were very, very difficult to get in the United States.

His math professor, who was the head of the mathematics department, said to the grad students that whoever got the best grade on the final had the opportunity to be hired as his research assistant for the next year.

That job was a plum job. Everybody wanted the job. George said that he studied so hard for that test that he was up until the middle of the night and overslept and was actually late to the test.

But he got there in time to take the test, was handed the test and went to the back of the room. As he was answering the eight math questions, he got through the eight math questions fairly easily. When he looked on the blackboard and there were two problems on the board. He copied them down and he began to work on those two problems and he couldn’t solve them.

He began to think that somebody in this room is going to solve these problems. What’s wrong with me? He kept working and working and working on the problems. He couldn’t get them solved and by the end of the time that was allowed some of the students asked for additional time to work.

The professor said they could take the test home and bring it back by Friday. So George, too, asked for more time. He was told to bring the test back by Friday.

George went home and sat up night after night. This was Monday. All day Tuesday. Tuesday night. Wednesday and Wednesday night.

He just kept thinking somebody is going to get these solved. Why not me? Why not me? Finally, by Thursday morning he had one of them solved. Then he kept working, working, working late into Thursday night and on Friday morning he solved the second one.

He took the test back and got it turned in by eleven a.m., which was the deadline. He went home wondering what would happen. Sunday morning at seven am there was a knock, knock, knock at his door.

He jumps out of bed. It’s his professor. His professor says “George, you’ve made mathematical history! I was thinking on the way over here, you were late to the test right?”

A chalkboard with many different equations written on it.

George said, “Well yeah, did I do something wrong?”

“No,” the professor said, “It’s just that the eight questions were the test. I told everybody who was gathered. I’ve had such a great time teaching all of you. If you want to have fun for the rest of your life, these two questions are the two unsolved math questions that even Einstein himself went to his grave unable to solve. How did you do this George?”

George recounted that if he had heard ahead of time that no one has been able to solve those problems, his way of defining his relationship to that problem would have been so different that he would not have made himself available to the access to the solution that was within him.

What is amazing, is that same access to overcome the impossible is within every one of us.

Now I don’t know what it is that you are facing. But I know this about you: That you are connected to the Infinite. You have the power and the potential to be everything you want to be, to give everything you want to give…and to build a life you truly love!

Know that there is always a solution available for any problem you may be facing.

Accessing Your Genius

There was a study done recently at Harvard called the Zero Point study that was a ten year study on genius.

The genius capacity is demonstrated by certain individuals that bring forth great ideas, transformational thinking, movement, social change, innovative ideas that transform and transpose us to a whole new height of living.

What is this capacity?

The researchers began to define genius as the number of modalities with which one takes in information, synthesizes that information and makes use of it.

You and I have many modalities with which we can take in information – auditorally, visually, kinesthetically, intuitively, etc.

A person holding their hands up to the light bulb in front of a glowing brain.

Here is what they discovered:

  • 99% of babies – 99% of you and me – operate at a genius capacity during the first eighteen months of life.
  • By the time we are five, only 22% of us are still operating at our genius capacity.
  • By the time we are twenty only 2% of us are still operating at a genius capacity.

What happens to us?

What they discovered in their research is that the shutting down of our capacities; the distancing of ourselves from our Genius Self happens through the learned voice of internal judgment.

We begin to doubt ourselves. We begin to question ourselves. We begin to look into other peoples’ eyes for who we are; for approval; for permission.

You have genius capacities in you. Today, connect to that genius. Trust your genius, and believe in the power of your dreams.

The Teller of Life

Will your dream happen? There are two determining factors.

A middle-aged man walked into a bank. He approached the teller and asked, “Will you cash this check?”

The teller looked at the check. “Well sure, I can cash the check. Just put your name on the back of it, hand it to me, and I will give you the money.”

The man stumbled back and said, “Whoa, wait a minute! I don’t want to put my name on the back of that check and hand it to you. You’ll be holding my check with my name on it and you might decide not to give me the money.”

“Well Sir, no,” the Teller said, “How it works is you have to put your name on the back of the check before I can give you the money. It’s a banking policy.”

“I understand that,” the man replied, “But I want you to understand how I feel. It makes me very nervous to think that you’ll be holding my check and you might decide not to give me the money.”

“Sir, I will give you the money, but you have to go along with banking policy,” The teller said.

The man argued with the teller. Back and forth they went. Finally, the frustrated teller replied, “I’m sorry. I am not going to be able to help you. You need to please leave.”

Angered, the man left.

He walked to another bank, went through the same routine, aggravating another teller, and again he was refused service.

The man travelled to a third bank. Again, he refused to sign his name on the check before receiving his money from the bank. Again, the man argued with the young teller, until finally the miffed teller reached the end of his rope. He reached under the teller’s cage, pulled out a rubber baseball bat, whacked the man on the head and commanded, “Sign the darn check!”

Stunned, the man looked at the teller. The man then picked up the pen, signed the back of the check, and handed it over to the teller. Cordially, the teller handed the man his money.

Money in hand, the man returned to the first bank, walked up to that first teller and he said, “Look! Down the street I got my money.”

“Yeah, but I bet even down the street you had to put your name on the back of that check before you got the money,” the Teller replied.

“Well yeah I did,” the man said, “But you see, no one ever quite explained it the way they did.”

Factor 1: Are You Harnessing the Law of Specificity?

We can have any life we want. But Law of Specificity states that, to activate our dreams we must be clear about the life we’re designing. It does us no good to write a check to Life that says, “Dear Life, I want a good life. Please give me a happy life.”

Life does not know how to cash that check any more a builder knows how to build a “good house” or a “happy house”.

If you asked a contractor to build you a really happy house, the contractor would look at you and say, “You’ve got to tell me what you mean by happy house. You’ve got to describe it. You’ve got to give me a picture called a blueprint.”

A person writing on a laptop with a pen.

Life is delighted to cash any check you wish. Step one is deciding what you really want, and designing it with crystal clarity.

Factor 2: Will You Sign Your Name to It?

When building our dreams, we’ll often go to the teller of Life and ask, “Will you please give me what I want?

In essence, Life says ok, I’ll give you your dream. But first put your name on the check. Put your self–your whole self – into a vibrational match with what it is you say you want. Commit to you dream. Put your name to the dream and the doors of creation will open.

Many of us reply, “Whoa, whoa, whoa… Wait a minute! I don’t want to put my full self in. What if it doesn’t work out? I want to know how it’s all going to be okay. I want to know where all the pieces are going to come from. I want to know exactly how it’s going to happen. I want to have it, and then I’ll put my full self in. Then I’ll put my name to it.”

Every one of us has been given a sacred name. That name is “I am”. Our sacred name, what we lay on the altar of “I am” – whether it’s I am “limited” or I am “free”, whether it’s I “can”, or I “can’t” – is shaped in the thinking chamber within us.

Every one of us lives in this divine Presence, Power, and Thinking Substance that shapes itself through our thinking. When we sign our name to the life we want – thus getting in harmony with our dream – we send a magnetic signal to the Universe at which point a strange and magnificent thing begins to happen.

Through the harmonic Laws of Vibration and Attraction; resources, people, and circumstances begin to show up in our life fulfilling of the dream we’ve designed. As sure as a teller will give you your money after you’ve signed the check, the Universe will give you your dream, once you’ve put your name to it.

These Universal Laws, practices and principles help us awaken to who we really are and what we are capable of. For some of us, it is far more than we have any idea.

The two questions are, what do you really want, and are you willing to sign your name to it?